Native DSD - Album of the year 2023

I am happy to announce that my recent album ’Autumn Rain in a Secret Garden’ is the Jazz solo instrumental album of the year. Many thanks to Hunnia Records & Film Production.
New album - Autumn Rain in a Secret Garden

I am pleased to announce that Hunnia Records & Film Production released my second album ’Autumn Rain in a Secret Garden’ with 11 of my own compositions.
The sound recording of the album represents the work of my dear friend László Gazdag – just like with the recording of my first album –, and the work of Tibor Laho, the excellent sound engineer of SuperSize Recording. I am grateful to both of them!
The music material was recorded in Pure DSD 256 format.
The album is only available in digital form at the following platforms:
Although I really have not planned to come out with a second album two years after my first one, having a conversation with Robert Zoltan Hunka at a concert made me really interested in the method of their DSD recordings. I became extremely excited about the recording of an album which could be made just over 2-3 days without any editing as opposed to the lengthy recording of the first album. I already had some brand new compositions, then I wrote further new pieces and added a couple of my older ones thinking that they match the mood of eachother. Once my music selection was done, I set some quiet time aside in a peaceful village in the countryside to systematically practice each piece for the recording.
The studio work itself was a real delight: having the opportunity to work with such brilliant and kind professionals is a gift to any musician.
In this recording I play on the no.1 Tala-Pengő double bass which I made with my friend Gábor Szkórits-Tala.
Further speciality of this album is that a tenor and bass duet is sung by the distinguished singer Csapó József.
Upon the request of Róbert Hunka – to whom I am grateful for the birth of this album – I composed an expansive text to go with the sound material.
Mayfly - new video
Here is my brand new video.
Thanks to Roland Heidrich and Ferenc Ádám.